Only when Muslims reject the unrealistic standards promoted by today's media can we protect ourselves and future generations from all the forms of psychological and social pressures these ideals creat
Meanwhile, a 2024 survey by Ipsos, a Paris-based market research firm, revealed that 65% of people in surveyed 30 countries support banning under-14s from accessing social media both in and out of sch
The modern Zionist state may be seen as a contemporary reflection of its historical counterparts in Madinah, the Banu Qurayza and Banu Nadir. These were groups to whom the Prophet granted freedom and
This war is, in fact, a conflict between all of humanity and Zionism. Therefore, the entire world—not just the Middle East—must be involved in this struggle. Human lives are being lost, human righ
This marked the birth of a new post-modern human agency, whose identity came to be defined by varied superficial bondage to commodification, consumerism and objectification.