Sosyal Medya


Australia: Senator referred to Queen Elizabeth as a colonist. Is she indeed one?

Ebu Masum Mucahit

On the 2nd of August, an indigenous lawmaker representing the Australian state of Victoria in the federal parliament Senator Radic Thörpe, shocked the world when she referred to the queen of England as a colonialist at the swearing-in ceremony in the parliament. “I sovereign, Lidia Thorpe, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will be faithful, and I bear true allegiance to the colonising her majesty Queen Elizabeth II,” she said. Despite having to back down from her initial proclamation and alter her oath “properly”, her words nonetheless raised eyebrows. Is the Queen of England representing an imperialist colonial force with the world under its feet? Is Thörpe’s statement a loud cry about the centuries-old genocide against the Australian Aborigines? Her act, perhaps, is yet another reminder of the brutality of colonialism and western imperialism.

Who Are the Aborigines?

The Aboriginal Australians are a diverse group of individuals whoarrived in Australia some 65,000 years ago. Their once sizable population has been drastically reduced by the massacres they endured. Aborigines, formerly the majority of Australians, now comprise less than 2% of the population.

This fact reflects the scale of the atrocities committed by the colonial power. They took over an entire continent (country) covering 8,000,000 square kilometres and reduced its initial population to only 2 percent.  According to some geographers, the population of Aborigines was around 1 million when the British first came to the continent. Over the past 300 years, the Aboriginal population has not increased but reduced significantly. Currently, just 470,000 out of the continent’s total population of 21 million can claim Aboriginal ancestry.

British Invasion and Genocide

On the 26th of January, 1788, the first British colonial fleet landed in Australia, now the world’s sixth-largest country. The arrival of these foreign invaders marks the beginning of a series of brutality for the indigenous people of the land.

The premise of the British invasion of the Island country is that it is very rich in mineral resources. Its pasture offers a good ground for animal husbandry. It produces a lot of sheep, and theirwool was needed for famous English fabrics. Moreover, the vast Australian lands offered the tremendous potential the English lacked and wanted. This and similar economic and commercial reasons led to the occupation of the continent by the British.

In the early days of the British invasion, the massacre against the Island inhabitant was daunting. This was made worse by a series of epidemics that drove the local population to death. Like all these were not enough to reduce the population of the Aboriginals, profound assimilation was carried out for over two centuries. Children were forcibly separated from their families and recruited to serve the British royal army. An excellent example is how the British used the Aborigines against the Ottoman Empire in the 1st World War. Today, Aborigines have the highest crime rate in Australia because of the age-long deprivation of standard amenities they have endured. They have lost much of their culture and the arts, and their education depends on the dictates of the “government”. The community becomes troublesome as problems are put off, disregarded, and the community’s values are degraded.

Who Runs Australia?

Australia appears to be an independent country but lives under the British royal family. It is more or less a province under Britain. Australia’s head of state is the Queen of England and the head of the church of England. The Queen of England is the foremost clergyman of the Anglican church. She is holy. In Australia, the queen is represented by the British Viceroy and the governor-general of Australia, indirectly making Australia a British colony. The British first changed their language, life, and religion as they did in some other countries and regions they exploited.

The serial colonial and imperialist British royal family is notorious for forming structures for proxy governance. They gave independence but formed the 56-member-state Commonwealth of nations which the UK permanently heads. Out of these nations, the crown of London continues to be the sovereign of 15, including the UK. These nations are called the Commonwealth realms, and Australia is one of them.

For starters, Britain was the “Empire on which the sun never sets” in the 1930s. In those years, England had 33 million square kilometres of land. As things changed, Britain was smart enough to institute a new way of proxy governance. It joined to form the United Nations, which is claimed to have been established to ensure peace on earth today but initially helped the UK protect its colonies. Moreover, since its inception has veto power in the UN. The UK went ahead to co-form its military wing – NATO, which is a group of nations but offers its most service to protect the UK’s direct and indirect colonies, thanks to its gendarmerie- the USA.

Knowing these, it is easier to see why the UN or NATO does not protect the rights of Palestinians and other oppressed communities. NATO was created to preserve the interest of the British crown. The gendarme of this cause -the USA is always seen at the frontline because the British offshore games are often not clear.  In the background of the chaos, occupation and wars that have emerged in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine and many parts of the world, the aims of protecting the interests of Britain and globalist Zionists lie. These pagan structures, which hide behind discourses such as democracy, equality, human rights and freedom, do not hesitate to eat the idols they produce when hungry. Against this background, we see that behind the instability, occupation, and warfare in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and other places, there always lies a British and globalist Zionist interest. This is because these pagan systems, which hide behind democracy, equality, human rights, and freedom, do not mind consuming their own idols when hungry.

Coming back to the initial topic, there is no doubt that the indigenes of Australia will continue to be loyal to the crown, in as much as everything is presented in the name of democracy, equality, human rights, and freedom. They create the system and know how to use it better. Perhaps, one day, Thörpe will change her oath without any pressure. When the sun of Islam rises over all humanity, all the oppressed will get their rights from the oppressors.

Difference Between Islam and the West

When we think about how the British treated the Aborigines in the past, we are brought face-to-face with the stark contrast between the Islamic and Kufr civilisations. While the Islamic civilisation has brought new life to every location, it has conquered and won the hearts of the people there. The Western civilisation has mostly stolen people’s conscience. It has acted only out of care for its own economic interests. When Muslim conquerors took control of Egypt, they did not interfere with the people’s ability to practise their religion of choice. Some still adhere to their culture and religion in regions that have been part of Islamic territory for the past 1400 years. It is not possible to say the same thing about western colonialists. For instance, the British empire was responsible for the forcible conversion of the countries it invaded to Christianity. The fact that all indigenous people who live in Australia were required to convert to Christianity is the most glaring indication of this truth. Their atrocities in America and Africa are two sides of the same coin.

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