Who is Necmettin Erbakan?

Ebu Masum Mucahit*
Following the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the end of the caliphate, Muslims were left vulnerable to attacks on their property, lives, honour, and religion without anyone to defend their rights. Colonial powers not only occupied Muslim lands but also aimed to control Muslim minds through collaborators, suppressing any dissent. Many Muslims felt helpless against the overwhelming power of the West and gave up on resistance. However, leaders like Necmettin Erbakan, a leader from Anatolia, stood out for their knowledge and understanding of the tactics of the infidels and worked tirelessly to awaken the Muslim ummah and offer alternative solutions to the challenges they faced.
Necmettin Erbakan was the 54th Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey and a devout believer who prioritized his faith in his political decisions. He once stated that he did everything for the sake of Allah and aspired to be remembered as a true warrior for the faith. Erbakan was born in 1926 in Sinop, Turkey, to a family with a bureaucratic background. His father was a judge and descended from the Kozanoğulları family of Seljuk Turks, while his mother came from a prominent family in Sinop.
He graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University in 1948, where he was known for spending his time either in the mosque or the laboratory. After graduation, he worked as an assistant at the university.
His Germany Days
In 1951, he was sent by the university to Aachen Technical University in Germany to conduct scientific research. There, he wrote a thesis on low-fuel-burning engines and became an Associate Professor. He also studied the engines of leopard tanks and was part of the team working on the reindustrialization of Germany’s industrial region Ruhr.
Erbakan drew attention with his efforts and knowledge in his studies in Germany and was given important duties by the Ministry of Defence. Despite being in a country that had just come out of the war, he never compromised on his faith and principles. In fact, he once declined to eat a salad because it contained alcohol, and he confidently expressed this situation to his teacher. Germany’s rapid industrialization and the fact that Islamic countries lagged in industrialization made Erbakan realize the importance of industrialization. Therefore, he began thinking about realistic solutions to remove the obstacles in front of industrialization.
Prioritizing Industrialization
Necmettin Erbakan was a passionate supporter of industrialization as a means of achieving economic and political independence for Turkey. He co-founded the Silver Engine Factory and persevered through bureaucratic and political challenges to establish and operate the factory. Erbakan believed that government support was essential for industrialization, and he redirected the Union of Chambers’ support towards the Anatolian people when he became its President, causing discomfort among the political elite and Western extensions in Turkey. Despite the obstacles he faced, Erbakan’s efforts and leadership played a crucial role in the heavy industry move and the economic development of Turkey.
His political life
Necmettin Erbakan’s political career began when he was elected as an independent deputy from Konya in 1969. He founded the National Order Party (MNP) in 1970, which later became the National Salvation Party (MSP) in 1972, with the aim of establishing an Islamic state in Turkey based on justice, equality, and democracy. Erbakan faced numerous challenges in his political life, including imprisonment and party bans after military coups. In 1991, he founded the Welfare Party (RP), which became the largest party in the Turkish parliament in 1995, and Erbakan became prime minister in 1996. However, his government was forced to resign in 1997 after being accused of promoting Islamic fundamentalism by a military memorandum. Despite his ups and downs in politics, Erbakan’s main goal was to promote Islamic thought and reintroduce the vitality of Islam to social life.
Necmettin Erbakan aimed to create a group of people who would approach problems from an Islamic perspective and find solutions based on Islamic principles. However, due to the secular nature of Turkey, these ideas were considered illegal, and to avoid being labelled a radical, Erbakan referred to this as a “national view” based on the perspective of Seljuk Sultan Alparslan. He also believed that the establishment of an Islamic Union was necessary for Muslims to overcome challenges and create a unified political and economic force that could rival the West and improve the lives of Muslims globally.
Islamic Unity
Erbakan conceived the idea of the creation of a global unity for Muslims. However, it seems Saudi Arabia overtook him with the creation of the Islamic Cooperation Organization, with the United States and England allegedly playing significant roles in it.
Necmettin Erbakan founded the National Order Party, which was later shut down due to its Islamic principles. He then founded the National Salvation Party, which became influential in Turkish politics. Erbakan formed a coalition government with a left-wing, secular, and pro-Western party, during which time Turkey regained land and opened Quran courses and Islamic schools. Erbakan’s factories helped Turkey become a developing country, and he opposed Israel’s actions, resulting in a coup against him. His party was banned, but his supporters founded the Welfare Party. Erbakan emphasized the need for institutions like the Islamic Union, United Defence and Islamic Common Market and Currency to counter the global exploitation system, which troubled the US, England, and France.
Despite the challenges, Erbakan’s tireless efforts culminated in the creation of the D-8 organization. The D-8, also known as the Developing 8, is an organization of eight developing countries that have a significant Muslim population. The member countries are Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey. The D-8 was established in 1997 with the aim of fostering economic cooperation and development among its member states. This historic achievement not only provided Muslim nations with a means to industrialize and avoid exploitation but also facilitated trade among themselves through a barter system, freeing them from reliance on products from colonial powers.
Erbakan and National Politics
The “Just Order” ideology aims to fix the society, politics, and economy destroyed by global colonialism. The ideology includes three main views: Fair Economic Order, Fair Political Order, and Fair Moral Order. In 1987, the political ban on Erbakan was lifted, and in 1995, the Welfare Party (RP) gained the majority of municipalities. In the 1996 elections, the Welfare Party (RP) becomes the first party in Turkey with 21%, and Erbakan forms the government. Erbakan implements policies to deal with the interest system that exploits people and establishes the D-8 cooperation organization to help Muslim countries industrialize and trade with each other. The country’s real development reaches the highest level of 12%, which disturbs the current colonial Abu Jahl, Zionist masons, and collaborators who exploit the local people.
During his prime ministry, Erbakan successfully led Turkey towards becoming a leader in Islamic countries, with economic comfort and high levels of welfare for citizens. He implemented significant pay raises, but his progress was met with resistance from Freemasons, local collaborator politicians, and a biased press. Erbakan was an alternative to the secular system, focusing on preventing moral degradation and proposing an interest-free and right-based system. However, interest groups felt uncomfortable with this and deceived the people through a series of lies. Erbakan ultimately resigned from his position due to pressure from the secular DYP, and the President appointed a small party leader to form a new government, abandoning many of the national ideas that Erbakan had been promoting.
Turns of things
Erbakan used to say, “The slaves give the greatest support to the oppression of the Pharaoh.” Indeed, when his government resigned, civil servants and workers took to the streets to protest, but Erbakan and his allies were once again banned from politics, as their party was targeted for actions against secularism and eventually shut down.
Erbakan’s efforts to establish an alternative system that challenged the dominance of Western powers in Turkey faced significant challenges from within his own political party. In particular, a faction led by Abdullah Gül, who was later to become Turkey’s President, advocated a policy of surrendering to Western powers and expressed support for an “innovative” movement that aligned with US and Zionist interests. This division within the Virtue Party ultimately led to its closure, with a faction that had close contact with the West and pursued a self-interested policy leaving to form the AKP. During the closure process, the left-wing party in the parliament opposed the move, while the “innovative” faction refused to participate in the voting, effectively facilitating the party’s closure.
The newly formed separatist camp went on to co-chair the Greater Middle East project, which is a new system of exploitation established by the USA for Islamic countries. This is why despite the USA and Crusaders invading Iraq and plundering Syria and Libya, the AK Party did not oppose or even condemn their actions.
Erbakan was a remarkable figure who advocated for Islamic values and worked towards finding solutions to the problems facing society while upholding his faith. His speeches were inspiring, urging Muslims to fight against infidels like a commander on a battlefield. Despite the challenges he faced, he never compromised his beliefs and constantly warned his friends against social uprisings and armed struggles that would lead to the slaughter of Muslims. He fought against the Zionist globalists and developed plans to disrupt their game. His legacy continues to inspire many, and his book DAVAM, which has been translated into various languages, sheds light on his thoughts and ideas.
On 27 February 2011, the world lost this remarkable leader, and his funeral was attended by millions of people from different walks of life, including leaders from 60 Muslim countries. Although the state did not want to hold a ceremony, people came out in droves, with takbirs, to pay their respects to Erbakan. Funeral prayers were held in thousands of cities across 120 countries. Erbakan’s dedication to his faith and his people, his unwavering determination, and his selflessness made him a remarkable figure whose legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. His legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of staying true to one’s faith and values, even in the face of adversity. His dedication to improving the lives of Muslims and his efforts to disrupt the games of globalist powers continue to inspire people worldwide. He may have left this world, but his teachings and example will continue to live on, motivating people to strive for a better world.
*This article was translated by Zekiyenur Gök
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