Sosyal Medya

Society and Culture

5G Technologies: A Closer Look!

Nowadays, it is recurrent to hear people talking about 5G; media and tech companies are making it their headlines. Political leaders are also drawing new policies towards this new technology. However, what is really 5G and what are its underpinnings?


Boubacar Amadou Cisse

For ages, human beings have evolved and have always changed their environment for a more comfortable lifestyle. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are one of the key factors of this evolution. They have renovated the way we interact, not only with each other but also with our environment. The end of the year 2019 was marked by the introduction of 5G technology; the world’s perception of it was the beginning of a new era in ICT.


What is 5G, in simple terms?

Nowadays, it is recurrent to hear people talking about 5G; media and tech companies are making it their headlines. Political leaders are also drawing new policies towards this new technology. However, what is really 5G and what are its underpinnings? In simple terminologies, 5G is the largest and latest broadband for data transfer; in our daily life, it can be compared to a bigger and wider highway that enhances traffic – cars in the traffic are the data being transferred.

5G is the fifth generation in data transfer technology in the telecommunication sector. It is the new standard for wireless communication that has been deployed by cellular companies around the world. 5G is preceded by 4G, 3G, 2G and 1G onward. It is undoubtedly the biggest jump in communication technology.

The big players

Speculations have shown the move to 5G will be the next turning point in countries’ technological and socio-economic development. It would probably cost the shift in the world of science and technology. It is far not to be noticed that world economic powers are already disputing over the control of 5G technology.

Many argue that the clash between the USA and China over Huawei is somehow related to 5G technologies. It is no more news that the Chinese big tech giant is leading in 5G infrastructure settlement around the world. The race exists a company level too. Huawei is indeed in a good position but other companies are striving to catch up. In the USA, mobile operators have made tremendous efforts to establish facilities around the country; many developed countries are following the flow.

What will change?

The introduction of 5G technology will have unprecedented connectivity levels and the upgrade over 4G has five fundamental changes. These are superfast broadband, ultra-reliable low latency communication, massive machine-type communications, high reliability or availability and efficient energy usage. This simply means that more data can be transferred in a short period, enabling more devices to get connected efficiently with low energy consumption.

More data being transferred in a short lapse of time changes how we interact with everything around us. Technologies companies are expecting up to 10 gigabits per second; in case this sounds unsurprising to you, its predecessor – 4G reaches 100 megabits per second at its peak. This means that 5G is a hundred times faster than 4G. So, imagine all that we have achieved with 4G (with just 100 megabits per second); the answer is: literally everything around us. Now imagine what we could do with 100 times this speed, with 10 gigabits per second. The possibilities are indeed enormous.

Imagine you are away from home and still being able to close or open your curtains via your smartphone; imagine your favourite movie starts downloading and finishes before you pop the corn. With 5G, all sectors around us have exponential potentials to develop. More productivity in industries and connectivity with more daily devices are possible. In the medical sector, telesurgical operations from far away distances are practicable at high precision.

Any drawbacks?

5G technology, for sure, will change our life and enable us to do more. However, it is not with no disadvantages. In fact, there have been a series of exchanges over the effects of new this technology. The most underlining drawback of 5G is health issues. Medical scientists and researchers argue that sufficient research has not been conducted on the side effects of 5G on human health. 5G and all its predecessors emit waves that may be harmful to human body; However, 5G seems to have a level of wave emission above what is accepted, and this may cause serious health problems.

Moreover, health issues are not the only worries regarding 5G technologies. Many stress that the people of the world will have a less private life and social life is no more going to be the same. The new technology would allow governments to complete surveillance of their citizens. Many stress that the term “privacy” might be less meaningful. Besides, 5G technologies are very expensive to make them available everywhere. Initial costs could not be borne by many countries aside from the fact that multi-lateral researches are still underway.


Evolution is a natural process in life; it comes with overcoming new challenges and it is very difficult to determine how far our imagination will take us to. 5G technology, with all its features, would be unimaginable three decades before. It will definitely change our daily life and maybe for the best, which should be probably the main incentive behind its development. However, this new technology may have inherent drawbacks which would rather change our life for the worst. Its application has already started and it would be wise to further researches and draw policies to curb possible problems before they reach out of hand.

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