Sosyal Medya


Border Conflicts: Demystifying the Imperialists' Game

Interestingly, these border crises are not mere coincidence. The individuals that shaped them were intelligent enough to foresee some of the crises.

Ebu Masum Mucahit

A look at the world political map today gives a notion that there exist so many large and small sovereign states.  However, political, economic, cultural and administrative wise the sovereignty and independence of these countries is open to question. Even though they can be said to be politically independent, they are constantly at wars because their borders are not naturally defined. Many of these borders sprung up as a result of events like Sykes-Picot in 1918 and WWII. Events that offered the imperialists to “create” artificial states using the divide and rule strategy. 

In the post-modern world, natural boundaries of states were determined and pegged at natural bodies like water. They are so vivid that there is hardly a fight about borderlines. For instance, Iran and Turkey dates to the 17th century and the two countries have never experienced problems, unlike the case of their other neighbours. Modern-day borders, however, are drawn on the tables of the so-called powerful states. In this case, many countries, from the onset although seemingly independent, were created to become completely economically and politically dependent.

Global imperialists have shaped these states so that they will linger in unending crisis. African states, for instance, were drawn with a ruler, adhering to parallel and meridians, downplaying the natural borders that were determined by major ethnic divisions and natural bodies. These, of course, is the genesis of many catastrophes on the continent.

The major actors in shaping the world have made it a thing to always leave a problematic region between the two countries.  There is a neutral zone between Egypt and Sudan, that has always been a problem. This is the same as the neutral zone between Kuwait and Iraq. 

After the fall and dissolution of the USSR in 1991, independent Central Asian and Caucasian states were established. However, the borders of the country were created according to the 1921 understanding. This style was preferred because it will afford each state to develop problems with others. Kazakhstan has a border problem with Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.  The same problematic region has been placed for Kyrgyzstan, at its border with Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan. 

The subcontinent is not left out in border problems.  This is apparent in the frequent problems that occur in that part of the world. India is always at logger's head with its neighbours: Bangladesh, Pakistan and China. Some of these problems led to bloody crises.

Interestingly, these border crises are not mere coincidence. The individuals that shaped them were intelligent enough to foresee some of the crises.  However, they made them remain that way so that they would serve as a control button to “erring” states.

When a state tries to claim its sovereignty rights, act independently in matters of interest, the “powerful states” spark border problems. These are achieved by initiating civil unrests or misguiding the leaders to take unreasonable decisions. Foreign agents disguised as advisers and the media push the buttons of the leaders of two parties until they found themselves in an irremediable battle.  A very good example of this is Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1991.

The problematic border between Iraq and Kuwait has been the root of many conflicts.  Europe, who supplied arms to Iraq in the Iran war, saw it as a dangerous player that must be eliminated.  Israeli and American agents penetrated the cells in the two states, wreck their relations and set the duo into war.  Thus, Iraq invaded Kuwait.  Interestingly, Turkish late Prime minister Necmettin Erbakan suggested an inhouse reconciliation to the two parties, pointing to an eventual triumph of the imperialists. But they turned deaf ears to this, as the drums of battle were beaten!

After the invasion, Kuwait and other Arab countries had to invite America and Europe military power, who were bankrolled by oil-rich Saudi and UAE.  In the end, imperialists gained a way to occupy the lands of the Muslims, at the expends of their honour and wealth.

The solution is Islam

The Kurdish region was divided between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Interestingly, those who divided the region are also the ones trying to instil ethnic nationalism-motivated crises there. Such that, a group of people who stood as “Muslims” against the “kuffar” in WWI have now become enemies to each other.  

In light of all these, it is necessary to be aware of all the games and tricks of the imperialists. Being accustomed to their steps and to take precautions. As Muslims, our point of reference should always be brotherhood that is tied to an unbreakable covenant. Thus, we must act in unison to impede exploitation by global imperialists.  We have been blessed with all forms of mineral and human resources. We own oil, gold, sun, water, iron, coal and anything you may think of! These imperialists, on the other hand, own nothing, but everything has gone to them!

Thus, it is time to recognise this modern imperialism and all its manifestations, be it Zionism or interior agents. We must get rid of all forms of racial and national fanaticisms and discriminations that exist among us. We should let the love of Allah come before everything as Allah commanded us in Tawbah verse 24.

Perhaps one of the greatest problems that have befallen the ummah, is conflict management. Conflict is a natural human phenomenon and understanding and managing it, requires wisdom. In order not to be baited into the trap of border or similar conflicts, the Muslims nations should learn to appoint arbitrators amongst themselves and they should make brotherhood a key factor in their resolutions. Muslims have no ally but Muslims.

 Above all, every Muslim state should start the work towards real independence in the economic, political, ethical and cultural sphere of life. They should review underlying problems in their country and make short-term and long-term plans towards solving them. Also, as a matter of emergency, it is high time they made a real effort towards establishing an effective and sustainable Muslim world alliance that will be mandated with peacekeeping. As well as a unified financial network that will trade with gold.  When these are ensured the plans of the imperialists become futile and the honour of the Muslims will be preserved.


Translated from Turkish by Al Ameen Yakubu 

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