Sosyal Medya

Society and Culture

Are Muslims cruel animal eaters ?

Ilerioluwa Shukrah Oyelami

Eid-ul-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice), is one of the two major Islamic festivals, is here again! As its name implies, animal sacrifice is carried out to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see some people demonising this great festival. While the non-muslim section sees it as another opportunity to term Islam as cruel, the Muslim part opts for some forms of reforms. Some of them try to "sacrifice" money, while others distance themselves from the sacrifice. While it is worthy of note that these so-called Muslim vegans are a very insignificant part of the Muslim community, it is essential to state that the sacrifice of eid is at least an emphatic sunnah in Islamic jurisprudence.

For starters, it is noteworthy that consumption of animal products as meat, is peculiar to Muslims. Thus, before anyone attacks Muslims, they may consider questioning the businesses of international chain stores that kill millions of animals a day. But then, whether as a religious rite or for pleasure, what is this outcry about animal slaughtering? 

Consumption of animal food products is misinterpreted as unhealthy, the main reason for greenhouse gas emissions and being cruel towards animals. However, it seems these theories are just mostly gibberish and, at least, not well interpreted. For instance, abstaining from meat could lead to several health issues such as Low vitamin D3, Inadequate zinc and Anemias. Also, studies have linked vegetarianism to anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Moreover, humans are omnivores like other primates, and our body is designed to digest meat and meet the body nutrient requirements. In other words, anything contrary is going against our fitrah.

Furthermore, refraining from eating meat and quitting animal agriculture will not stop greenhouse gas emissions because 73.2% of gas emissions are from electricity and heat, transportation, manufacturing and construction, while 18.4% are from agriculture, including crop cultivation and livestock production[1]. Thus, meat consumption is not the main problem here.  Moreover, several agricultural practices can solve some of these problems, for example, rotational grazing, avoiding overuse of fertilisers, optimising manure application to the soil e.t.c

Islam provides support for animal welfare. The Quran, hadith and sunnah teach kindness and concern for animals.   The humane slaughter of animals is strongly supported in the Islamic tradition. For example, Prophet Mohammed ( SAW)  said, "Verily Allah has enjoined goodness to everything; so when you kill, kill in a good way and when you slaughter, slaughter in a good way. So every one of you should sharpen his knife and let the slaughtered animal die comfortably". In Islam, meats of animals subjected to cruelty in slaughtering or general brutality are considered impure and unlawful.

To sum up, meat consumption isn't harmful to you as it is healthy, it is not the primary source of environmental pollution, agricultural practices are employed to reduce gas emission.  It is natural to eat meat, and its benefits outweigh its drawback. Also, an annual celebration doesn't make Muslims the 'cruel animal eaters '.

Moreover, while about 200 million animals are slaughtered for food every day around the around, it is pointless for anyone to tag eid as 'a mass massacre '. It just doesn't add up. Meanwhile, these vegan organisations take advantage of people's love for animal and their health so that they dish out cash for their "Vegan starter kit". So, in the end, it is just a business for some!

Slaughter your sacrifice halalically! May Allah accept it from us and you. Happy eid-adha!

[1] Emissions by sector - Our World in Data (

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