Sosyal Medya


Why do we love freedom so much? (The Muslim and the question of Freedom)

Ashraf Akintola

One of the dangers of the modern civilized world we live in is the concept of freedom. The freedom of speech, what to wear, what to eat, what to do with your body, who you can be with, and so on. As beautiful and appealing as those ideas of absolute freedom are, it is a very dangerous belief to hold to heart.

Freedom and the question of creation

Before we state the reason why we are here, why we are created, and for what purpose is our creation, we need to understand that the concept of creation itself is actively being challenged by scientists, politicians, sociologists, philosophers, the elites, and the top-most influencers of our modern world. It was not always like this in the past. They sell to us the Darwins theory of evolution, which, even in scientific terms, is still “a theory”. They actively promote the big bang theory, just so that we would believe that these wonderful creations of Allah occurred by chance or that we evolved from Apes and that Adam and Eve are just mere mythical characters. They are not real, just like Tortoise and fox’s tales that we hear in children’s stories. These approaches are in a broader perspective used in discussing the concept of freedom and the abolishment of religion or religious morality from society.

Human and love of freedom

Why do we love to be free so much, you may ask, and why chase it to that extent?

Humans love to be in control. Of ourselves, our surroundings, the happenings around us, and other self-gratification that comes with authority. But are we really in control, or can total control be attained? Should we begin with our body or the world that surrounds us, the air we breathe, the water we drink? And the list goes on. So, can we say someone who so cherishes freedom so much and is not in control of even the way his heart beats free? Let us ask ourselves- Apart from your thoughts and actions, which other parts of your body do you really control? None!

Can he whose survival relies on how much rain falls in a year be said to be really free? Free from accountability? Free from recompense? Free from servitude to the one and actual supreme creator? No! he is not free at all!

Despite our pump and grandeur, the whole world has been brought to her knees at the mercy of a virus. A creature that is so small that the naked eyes cannot see it. No one can predict that Coronavirus- a disease the common man hardly knows- would alter the way humans interact, the way we behave, our dress, culture, and psyche two years ago. Yet, we still pursue that gospel of freedom- to do as we wish and submit, not to our creator.   

Freedom and Allah’s injunctions

We are created into this world to worship Allah alone. Asides the core acts of worship, all that we do- marriage, food, trade, speech e.t.c – should be steps towards that purpose. The modern man would make you feel as though you live in a cruel world for the limits Allah has set for us, but here is the catch- limits do not mean reduction, or smallness in size, or few, or little. In fact, in the Qur’an and the Shariah of Islam, scholars have explained that the scope of restrictions are infinitesimal compared to what we are allowed to do. For example, all kinds of foods are allowed except pork, alcohol, animals with fangs, and dead carrion. All women – up to four at a time- are allowed for you to marry- including the people of the book- jews and Christians- except idolaters, and the 12 categories described in Q4:21-24. All trades are permitted for you except riba and of what Allah prohibits. It is like being told to eat an apple and not the seed or banana without the peel. You too can decipher which option is sweeter and better. To drive home this analogy, let us remember how our father Adam and his wife were given the whole of paradise but forbidden from just one tree. Despite this abundance, Shaytan tricked them into just that tree they were instructed not to eat from.

Human’s desire

Allah says in Suratu Al Jaathiya, Q45:23, “Have you seen the one who has taken his desire as his god......”

In the next verse, Allah revealed precisely what these modern-day heretics do say; Allah says, “...... There is not but our worldly life; we die and live, and nothing destroys us except time....”

Thus, in pursuance of that belief, they do as they wish-  freedom, they would say.

This feeling, thought, belief, are traps by Shaytan to lead you to the wrong path. He makes you think you are in control and makes you feel that you would be here till eternity and would not be risen to give an account of your deeds until that path leads you to have your heart, ears, sights sealed from the truth. Allah says, “......and who will guide him besides Allah?......”

Brother and sisters, this world is a prison for the believers and paradise for the disbelievers, just like our beloved prophet has said. Let us be reminded of our duty to Allah. The best form of freedom we can enjoy is those under the confinements of what Allah has made lawful. We are bound by those restrictions in this world so that we may never have one in the hereafter. May we not be misguided

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