Only when Muslims reject the unrealistic standards promoted by today's media can we protect ourselves and future generations from all the forms of psychological and social pressures these ideals creat
Meanwhile, a 2024 survey by Ipsos, a Paris-based market research firm, revealed that 65% of people in surveyed 30 countries support banning under-14s from accessing social media both in and out of sch
Despite the relatively low statistics, it's essential to acknowledge that sexual violence against children still occurs within Muslim communities. After all, the Muslim community, which should be an e
As the rest of the world returns to school this September, we must not forget the millions of children left behind, whose dreams of education have been shattered by the very forces that claim to champ
This marked the birth of a new post-modern human agency, whose identity came to be defined by varied superficial bondage to commodification, consumerism and objectification.
As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, it is crucial that we do not lose sight of our moral compass. Technology should be a means to enhance a Muslim’s dignity, no
This homogenous cultural nature of this global village has led to what is known as cultural hegemony, leading the youths to behave, live and think as the West does.
In addition to advocating a comprehensive reform of social foundations such as culture, religion and language, this call has become more of a political movement and has changed the dimension of the co
The Prophet (saw) clearly stated that men who imitate women and women who imitate men are under the curse of Allah. It, therefore, becomes unsettling that the contemporary Muslim ummah continues to lo