This homogenous cultural nature of this global village has led to what is known as cultural hegemony, leading the youths to behave, live and think as the West does.
Since 2016, Klaus Schwab openly promoted the idea of “You will own nothing but be happy”, which he calls the 2030 WEF agenda to complete the restructuring of global capitalism.
That being said, don’t be too surprised when you are told that of the 931 million tonnes of food waste, about 40 million originates from the Arab world! How can we free ourselves of this menace?
In this article, we will discuss the future of cryptocurrencies specifically Bitcoin and to what extend it poses a serious threat to the prevailing global monetary system controlled by the IMF and Wor
According to Credit Suisse Global Wealth, the world's richest 1% owns 44% of the world's wealth. Unfortunately, this income imbalance is more obvious in Muslim countries.
The COVID-19 pandemic today is not just a health issue it affects all levels of society causing huge consequences for economic, social, food and political security.
So basically, financial literacy is a skill. It enables us to manage our assets efficiently and effectively.
With a third of the world population having been locked down, Covid-19 may have caused the biggest economic recession in history. Nevertheless, this pandemic has unarguably caused the most severe glob